Sunday, February 19, 2012

What are they going to think?

The question that plagues many people especially Americans
it seems. It is a corrosive thread that I recently discovered ran through the years of my life. I could be driving a Ferrari or an old jalopy down the street and be thinking “What are they going
to think?” It affects virtually everyone and leads us to spend billions every
year on how we look. It affects the rich and the poor, the attractive and
unattractive It makes some of us spend hours in the mirror fixing that last
detail. It leads to the teenager missing school when their face breaks out. It keeps you quiet in an elevator and from having fun at a party. It keeps you from celebrating to loudly when you just
received great news. It keeps boys from asking the girl of their dreams out. “What
are they going to think?” Everyone experiences it at some level, some are
paralyzed by it. It is a thief that robs and steals from us and limits our
lives. It is everywhere we come across others. We ask the question about all of the people we
know and come in contact with. We are on guard and must pay attention to all of
these different voices.

For the Christian it comes to church. Afraid to pray out
loud, raise their hands in a service or even sing. Preoccupied with the thought
“What are they going to think?”

Tell someone about Jesus. What are they going to think?

What is it called? It is called the fear of man.

For Christians it is in essence the worship of man. More concerned
with what man thinks then with what God thinks. Every time we compromise and ignore what the Holy Spirit is telling us to do, we place man above God. Proverbs 29:25 says the fear of man brings a snare or a trap. The Bible says the way to dispel the fear of man is to learn
the Fear of the Lord. Proverbs 1:7 says the Fear of the Lord brings knowledge.
When we Fear the Lord we only have one voice to listen to not everyone we meet.
When you fear the Lord you start playing for the coach instead of the crowd. When you Fear the Lord you will share your faith because you no longer are concerned with “What are they going to think?” Read - Gravity True For You But Not For Me:
Evidence for God Existence and Identity - for free online.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Does our sense of right and wrong have any meaning?

Right and Wrong, Just and Unjust

To bring the undeniable knowledge of right and wrong
to the forefront of your mind, please read the following list and sincerely
consider the injustice in our world. If you have experienced injustice in your
own life, bring that to mind also.
Many innocent people died on 9/11. Some get HIV
AIDS from a blood transfusion. Millions of innocent people have died in wars.
Some kill others, claiming God’s approval. Innocent children are kidnapped and
killed. Others are randomly murdered. Adults sex-ually abuse innocent children.
Over 30,000 children die every day of hunger and preventable diseases, 24 every
minute. Wrongfully accused people are in prison right now. Simply professing to
trust Jesus in strict Muslim countries can lead to imprisonment, torture and
death. Some are wealthy beyond belief simply because of their family. Some are
rich from crime. Many work hard and are still poor. If the items listed
stir your conscience, it is because you know they are unfair and unjust. The
question is, does this profound sense of injustice that you experience when you
review these facts have any meaning, or is this inner sense simply a worthless
Philosopher Immanuel Kant, in the following moral
argument for God’s existence, concluded that if this inborn sense of right and
wrong, just and unjust has any meaning at all, the following must

1. There must be justice. Since there
is not justice in this life, there must be life
after death.
2. For justice, there must be a
3. For perfect judgment, a perfect moral
judge must exist.
4. The judge must have all knowledge, so
he cannot make an error in
5. The judge must be all powerful, so he
can carry out any punishment he imposes on
the guilty.

Kant’s conclusion points to the God of the Bible without using the Bible and further confirms the necessity of God’s existence.

Read all of GRAVITY for free at . The buy some print copies for under a $1 and hand them out to family and friends. Bring as many as you can into the lifeboat we are already in.

Gravity True For You But Not For Me: Evidence For Gods Existence and Identity

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What do many scientists and atheists have in common?

Why Scientists Can’t See God in the Facts?

That’s a very important question and much of it has to do with the definition of
science. The following primary definition of science in the American Heritage Dictionary
restricts the search to a natural cause:

a) The observation, identification, description, experimental
investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.

b) Such activities restricted to a class of natural

c) Such
activities applied to an object of inquiry or study.

By definition, science rules out the supernatural. Some scientists have decided
God cannot be the cause before even looking at the evidence. We learned earlier this is contempt prior to investigation. This is probably why they keep trying to sell us natural causes despite complex design.

Consider this analogy that will shed some light on this matter. If I were a detective who knew for a fact there were only two possible suspects to a crime, and because
of personal bias completely ruled out the one who was guilty before examining the
evidence, I would obviously need to ignore many of the true facts and perhaps manipulate
or manufacture some evidence to make it fit the innocent suspect. By ruling out
God prior to their investigation, scientists are forced to maintain that
everything is a product of natural causes, something the actual facts dispute.

The atheist and many scientists can't
find God, for the same reason a thief can't find a policeman.

There is an obvious similarity between scientists and
a person called for jury duty who has made a decision prior to looking at the
evidence. If these scientists showed up for jury duty with this attitude, they
would surely be disqualified.

You will seek me and find me (God), when you seek me
with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13

Overwhelming Evidence of Bias
Some people claim you cannot believe anything a Christian writes about God because
they believe the Bible is true. But just because someone is committed and
passionate about a subject does not mean it is necessarily false. If it did,
you couldn’t trust anything you read, including scientific literature. Only the
facts can reveal the truth. The following quotes indicate how some scientists
reject the possibility of God prior to examining the facts, which is defined as
a prior commitment to materialism or naturalism. It is clear evidence of the
bias among mainstream scientists.

"Biologists must constantly keep in mind that what they see was
not designed, but rather evolved.” Francis
Crick Nobel Prize winner for co-discovery of
the Double Helix. What Mad Pursuit.

“We take the
side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs, in
spite of its failure to fulfill many of its extravagant promises of health and
life, and in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for
unsubstantiated just-so-stories, because we have a prior commitment, a
commitment to materialism. It is not that the methods and institutions of
science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal
world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our priori adherence to
material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts
that produce material explanations, no matter how counterintuitive, no
matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is an
absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door." Professor
Richard Lewontin, a geneticist and evolutionist, Billions and Billions of Demons.

“In my
opinion, using creation and evolution as topics for critical-thinking exercises
in primary and secondary schools is virtually guaranteed to confuse students
about evolution and may lead them to reject one of the major themes in
Eugenie Scott, leader of the anti-creationist National Center for Science Education, Larry
Witham, Where Darwin Meets the Bible,
p. 23.

“Even if all the data points to an intelligent designer, such a hypothesis is excluded
from science because it is not naturalistic.” Dr. Scott Todd, an Immunologist at Kansas
State University, “Correspondence to
Nature” 401(6752):423, 30 Sept. 1999.

“Ultimately it is all about the concept of ‘God’. No
answer can be "God probably did it" for a scientist, by definition, because
God is defined as being non-materialistic or outside of Nature. Therefore, scientists commonly argue that God, if he even exists, is beyond the detection of science - that he cannot be
ruled in or out of any equation.” Sean Pitman
MD. www.Detecting

This next Bible verse seems fitting
as it predicts the scientists we see today, who worship evolution.

Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the
immortal God for images resembling mortal man and
birds and animals and creeping things. Rom.

Conclusion – Many scientists display their obvious
bias by ruling out God before they look at the facts.

Read the book - Gravity True For You But Not For Me: Evidence For Gods Existence and Identity for free at

or get it for free on Amazon

When it comes to God, do you practice contempt prior to investigation?

Here is a small segment of Gravity True For You But Not For Me: Evidence for God Existence and Identity

The entire book can be downloaded and read for free at www.god-evidence-truth or on Amazon here

Jury Box
Since we determined that truth is important to you, I believe you really want to know if the facts say God exists and the Bible is true, once and for all. To do so, you must be willing to consider the evidence in an honest and impartial manner. When it comes to God, many practice “contempt prior to investigation.” This has nothing to do with the evidence or the truth of the subject at hand. It’s about rejecting something based upon emotions or as an act of the will, prior to an honest and impartial examination of the facts."There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against
all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance-that principle is contempt prior to investigation." Herbert Spencer a 19th century philosopher adapted from and earlier quote from William Paley an 18th century British theologian In A View of the Evidences of Christianity , 1794, popular phrase in AA.

To make an impartial decision, you need to set aside any thoughts of how God may have let you down, how a Christian may have hurt you or any negative feelings about church. If you were forced to go to church as a kid and are using this as an excuse to reject God, you are allowing
those who controlled you then, to control you now, by using their errors as an
excuse to ignore the facts. If your life is a disaster and every Christian you have
ever met failed in your eyes, it does not prove the Bible and Jesus are false. You
also need to understand that Christians do not claim to be Jesus and thus
perfect, we claim to need Jesus because we recognize our imperfections.

As you consider the evidence, your goal is to see if it’s convincing beyond a reasonable doubt. A reasonable doubt is based on reason and common sense after an impartial examination of all the evidence in the case. Very little in life is convincing beyond all possible doubt including
the evidence you are about to view. The truth is, if we lived our lives
requiring proof beyond all possible doubt before making decisions, we would
remain paralyzed in bed. There is no guarantee our car won’t crash, our food
isn’t contaminated or our neighbor isn’t going to shoot us. Even in the most
conclusive cases offering the best evidence, jurors often walk away with a
measure of doubt regarding their decision.

Contempt prior to investigation and wanting proof beyond all possible doubt are really about our will and desire to ignore the truth and do as we want, answering to no one. In interviewing a
young man named Sly who claimed to be an atheist, I found he had no evidence to
support his atheism. This is common for most atheists I’ve met, but since they
are claiming to know that God does not exist, they need to back it up. I like
to point out to atheists like Sly that our best minds admit mankind knows far
less than ten percent of all knowledge in the universe. So if a person is
reasonable, they must admit that God could exist in the 90 percent we know
nothing about. Three times in our conversation Sly got honest and said, “I just
don’t want there to be a God.” To which I replied, “So what, if it’s true, what
you want won’t matter.” With Sly’s attitude do you think he would look at the
evidence impartially or look for ways to continue to justify his choices? If you have thoughts like Sly you must understand, ignoring the truth won’t make it go away. The best thing we can do
is face the truth now so we won’t collide with its consequences in eternity.

“Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time,
but it ain't goin' away.” Elvis Presley.