Thursday, December 29, 2011

Bible - Too embarrassing to be false

Check out a small portion of my new book - Gravity - True For You But Not For Me - Evidence For Gods Existence and Identity - In this small glimpse we see one piece of evidence that tells us the events reported in the Bible actually happened, it is true.

2. Embarrassing Testimony The “Principle of Embarrassment” is one method used by historians to decide if the authors of a text are telling the truth. It says if the text is embarrassing to the author or authors it is probably true. This is because people do not fabricate events that make them look bad. As a matter of fact, they may leave them out in an attempt to look good. Consider what a person who is trying to sell you a lie might do. Let’s say someone wanted you to invest your life savings with them. What kind of picture would they paint with the words and literature they offer? No problems, right? Well consider if the writers of the Bible were trying to make up a God they wanted you to believe in. Wouldn’t they do the same and claim there were no problems? Yet the Bible is filled with embarrassing details about Jesus and the disciples. His followers had many of the same problems we see Christians struggling with today. Experts say embarrassing testimony like this would be counter-productive in a plot to falsely claim that Jesus is God. Therefore the following embarrassing details about what some thought of Jesus, could only be a true report of what actually happened. This supports the belief that the disciples told the complete unvarnished truth. Note the following claims are not supported by facts. They are simply a reporting of what some people, mainly His detractors, claimed.

Called a drunkard - John 10:19
Called a madman - John 10:20
Family thinks he is out of his mind - Mark 3:21
Not believed by his brothers - John 7:5
Called demon possessed - Mark 3:22, John 7:20, 8:48
Thought to be a deceiver - John 7:12
Deserted by many followers - John 6:66
Crucified despite the belief that anyone hung on a tree is cursed, making it very difficult for Jews to accept – Deut. 21:23

“People do not make up embarrassing details about themselves.” Quote Dr. Frank Turek, Embarrassing testimony support adapted from Turek & Geisler’s, I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist.

Conclusion – If you were making up a God you wanted everyone to believe in, you would not include embarrassing details about Jesus, unless it was a true reporting of what happened.

You can read the whole book filled with the evidence for Gods existence and identity in a free e-book Gravity - True For You But Not For Me - Evidence For Gods Existence and Identity at . In Print to for a very low cost, like 20 for $20 delivered to you, 80 for under $60, 132 pages, 4 x 6, full color cover. Similiar to More than a Carpenter or Case for Christ. It has received some excellant reviews. Designed to be given to the skeptic, the lost, anyone that does not know Jesus as Savior. Everyone deserves a chance to examine the evidence for themselves and make an informed decision.

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