Is Truth Important to You?
If you were dying of a deadly but curable disease, would you want the right medication to survive.
Would you want to know the truth about the risks before investing your life savings?
Do you want your family and friends to tell you the truth once in a while, or all of the time?
If you were charged with a murder you did not commit, would you want the truth to come out?
If you want truth in these areas, it appears truth really is important to you. So what’s on the other side of death? If God exists and your destination after physical death is based on the choices you make in this life, would the truth about eternity be important?
What is Objective Truth? * Relates to the object referred to. * Corresponds with reality. * Telling it like it is. * Something that is true even if no one believes it. * Jesus and the Bible claim to be objective truths.
“Truth is true—even if no one knows it. Truth is true—even if no one admits it. Truth is true—even if no one agrees what it is. Truth is true—even if no one follows it. Truth is true—even if no one but God grasps it fully.” Paul Copan, Chair of Philosophy and Ethics at Palm Beach Atlantic University, author, True For You But Not For Me.
What is The Law of Non-Contradiction? It is our built in lie detector to help us find truth. The law of non-contradiction is a fundamental principle of thought that clearly tells us opposite ideas cannot both be true at the same time and in the same sense. For example - the Earth is flat vs. the Earth is round. This law is self-evident and undeniable. Knowledge of this law is crucial to understanding that truth does exist and its opposite is always false. It’s true that you are reading this book right now. You are the object in this statement. So it’s true for everybody, everywhere that you are reading this book right now. It’s a contradiction or false that you are not reading it. Since it’s true Washington D.C. is the capitol of the United States of America, any other belief, even the next closest city geographically, is contradictory and false. You have particular first and last names that are true, while any other names are false. We all took multiple choice tests in school; one answer was true while the rest were false, no matter how close to the truth they came. Truth is always narrow and exclusive, excluding its opposites.
Contradictions in a statement render the claim false. For example - “I have a gift for you and a list of work you need to do to get it.” You know right away that my statement does not make sense because a gift that requires work is not a gift. Some have said to me “truth does not exist” but in doing so, they claim it is true, that truth does not exist. Both of these statements are contradictory and thus false. Conclusion – Truth exists, it’s important and its contradictions are always false.
What is The Best Way to Find Truth? I am sure you will agree, a person can stumble into truth. We all guessed correctly on a few school tests. But guessing or hoping to find the truth by mere accident is obviously not the best way to make an important decision. The following are three popular ways people use to come to a conclusion that something is true. Which one would you pick to make a decision where truth is vital?
1. Feelings - it feels right, gives me purpose, hope and peace of mind, so I believe it’s the truth. 2. Family or someone I trust believes it, so I do. 3. Evidence, consistency, best fits the evidence.
Approximately 95 percent of the hundreds of people I have asked this specific question pick the third option right away. But a strange thing happens when I ask the same people if they believe in God. Now the same people who just told me truth was very important and evidence was the best way to find it, suddenly say their beliefs about God are not founded on the evidence, but on feelings or on what someone else believes. Therefore it’s quite probable that your current belief about God is not based on evidence either. The problem is that there are sincere followers in every belief, who claim to have found the truth. So is one belief correct and the only way to God or do all roads lead to heaven? Does God exist at all? If we base our search solely on subjective evidence like feelings and personal experience, it’s confusing because every belief has followers that will attest to both. If we decide to believe something because someone else does, how do we know for sure they have found the truth? Did they examine the evidence or are they just following their feelings or a crowd? The only legitimate way to be reasonably sure our faith is placed in the truth is to examine the objective evidence ourselves, like we would with any major decisions. Objective evidence can be examined by everyone and does not change due to emotions, fee-lings or personal experience. An example of objective evidence would be scientific and historical facts.
I am not suggesting that you completely ignore your feelings as they can be helpful when you have verifiable facts and more than one solid option. So keep your feelings handy, but I urge you to not place them above the facts. Finding the truth about God is very important since every belief includes views about salvation and eternity. Making a wise decision based on the objective evidence is only sensible.
Conclusion – The best way to discover truth is by examining the objective evidence.
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Gravity True For You But Not For Me: Evidence for Gods existence and identity
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